28 September 2009

two years

for our second anniversary i made plans for jerry and i to attend a farm dinner in honor of our farm wedding.

i found this genius group of culinary folks who have collaborated with farms all over boulder county to host dinners on various farms throughout the summer. the spots fill up quickly and i was lucky enough to get two seats for the weekend of our anniversary.

there are a couple of long community tables set amidst the farm - in the field, near the garden or, in our case, in the barn. the food prepared for dinner is harvested fresh from the crops and livestock raised on the farm. it was an amazing experience. jerry was doubtful, of course, but we both had the most wonderful time. we met some interesting people, savored a tasty bottle of wine and ate the most scrumptious meal.

we were greeted to frog belly farm with an apertif of italian bitters and ginger ale & an appetizer of grilled flatbread with mozzerella goat cheese and basil.

we toured the farm and enjoyed the sunset before heading to the barn for dinner.

our menu:
cerleriac soup - creamed celery root
roasted peppers, potatoes and farro salad with chevre
wood-fired farm ham with polenta and chard
grilled colorado peaches with lemon verbena cream

we sat next to a couple who had their 1-yr old girl with them. she actually reminded us a lot of marianne and gave us a glimpse of what's to come in six more months.

happy anniversary, jer. it was a wonderful night and brought back so many memories of our wedding. i love you so much. jb

first came love. then came marriage. then came our baby in a baby carriage.

23 September 2009

my boots

these are my john deere boots.

they are still too big but i asked momma to let me try them on the other night. i'm so stylin'. momma and daddy can't wait for me to wear them.

10 September 2009

baby belly

i'm a little behind on posting, we've had a lot going on the past few weeks so i'll have several new photos and videos to post when i get around to it.

this morning marianne was doing a little playing while we were getting ready for work and school (daycare). i only got as far as putting her pants on before i got sidetracked with getting myself ready. i snapped this photo with my phone so it's not the best but i just love how it highlights her little belly.

she's not crawling yet but she seems determined. she's not very interested in sitting up but we've been trying to work on it with her. she'll sit up unaided for a few seconds and then topple over but she doesn't face-plant, she has enough control to lay her head down gently.

we had a very low-key labor day weekend...cleaning house, yard work, errands! loads of fun. ha. we did have an nfl fantasy league draft on monday. marianne (and momma) has her first fantasy team. momma didn't really know what she was doing but marianne hollered when she wanted a player for momma to bid on and draft. i think we ended up with a pretty good team. everyone at the draft kept saying how "marge pearl" (that's our team name) has one of the best-looking lineups. we'll see...game one tonight!