21 January 2009

progress of the nursery

Over Thanksgiving we were blessed to have some family visiting to spend the holiday with us. Jeff, Holly and Peyton were our final house guests to enjoy the PLUSH accommodations of our one spare bedroom in it's finale as our guest room. Guests, from now on, will be welcomed to crash on our very comfortable air mattress. Just ask Kimberly, she REALLY enjoyed the restful sleep she scored on it during her turkey-day stay!

Since we got back home to Denver after Christmas, with the beautiful baby furniture my dad built for us in tow, we've been transforming the spare room from it's guest-quarter status into a nursery for our baby girl. Renovations are still underway but here's a peek •

pink chandelier : my first purchase for the nursery • a find during my shopping day with Kimberly and Holly to the antique shops and boutiques in Old Town Littleton. as excited as jerry was about the first purchase being hot pink, he was even happier about installing it.

paint samples : we did agree on the paint color and went with the second from the right • benjamin moore's revere pewter

the crib : beautiful • built from a pile of walnut lumber that set in my parent's boat shed for years and years. my sisters and i discovered countless litters of kittens hidden amongst that lumber.

changing table : ready to be stocked with a changing pad, diapers, wipes, lotion and diaper cream.

it's still hard to believe i'll be spending time in that room every day in just a matter of weeks but it's starting to set in. peyson has taken to the room's new furnishings and we quite often find him laying about on the rug in the dark...establishing his territory and further declaring his supreme reign over the entire house. george has barely given it so much as a second sniff - a clear case of denial!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Sweet Baby Laflen's room is really taking shape! Can't wait to see her there! I like the picture of Jerry inside the crib! God bless all of you, Nana

Nat said...

the crib is beautiful! can't wait to see the bedding in there - and baby girl of course! i'm so proud of you for posting!