30 March 2009


well, it's just us now. my family has all gone back home and now jer and i on our own with the peanut. it's exciting and scary all at the same time. today was my first day at home alone with marianne while jerry went to work. it's going to be quite an adjustment - spending my days at home for the next 10 weeks, taking care of this little one. i love every minute with her but it sure is overwhelming. one day at a time, right?

here are some photos taken over the last week - she's still tiny but it seems like she's growing so much already:


Nat said...

HOLY CRAP SHE IS TINY!!! she looks SO little laying on your chest!!! i can't wait to see her in person :) hopefully stella will let michael and i hold her without throwing a COMPLETE fit. she is turning 2 tomorrow you know!!!

Anonymous said...

She's more beautiful everytime I see her! You look wonderful! All my love, Aunt Julie.