21 February 2009

4 weeks and counting...

i certainly feel bigger than i did in january but i'm not really sure i look much bigger. 

today marks EXACTLY four weeks until our due date. i am starting to feel a little panic set it. panic that i don't have everything ready. panic that we don't have what we need or even know what we need. panic that my days of having her all to myself, kicking and turning and punching are getting closer and closer to over. panic that the peace i feel when jer lays next to me feeling her kick and tickling her (read: me) is going to abruptly turn to fatigue, unrest and the unknown. 

with each day the anxiety/excitement intensifies but no matter how crazy it gets or how unprepared we are for this change in our lives i just can't wait to see her face, hold her hand and be her mom.


Nana said...

Just love her nad keep her fed warm and dry and that's all she'll need for the first few days!!!

Love you, MOM/Nana

Nana said...

Should be love and keep
Should preview before submitting!

Anonymous said...

the panic and anxiety you are feeling will soon be replaced with love, joy and excitement. There will be fatigue and uncertainty, but you and Jerry will be wonderful parents. You will learn quickly what you need and what is just convienient, what you don't have, you can send Jerry to the store for or improvise without it. You both will just want to hold her for the first several days anyway!! I love you and I am so excited for you. I just can't wait for you to find out how amazing it is to see someone you and your husband created together. I wish I was going to be able to come see her and you both, I guess a little poor planning on my part! :( Hang in there, she'll come when she is ready. 4 weeks is nothing compaired to the rest of your lives! I love you! Julie