04 June 2009

field (read: garden) trip

marianne and i toured the denver botanic gardens with some friends, cathy + irlynd and gretel + sonoma, today. it was a beautiful day and the gardens were in full bloom. we saw a lot of gorgeous flowers. well, at least i did. marianne was asleep in the wrap for most of it.

l-r: marianne, momma, cathy, irlynd, sonoma, gretel

during a nursing + diaper pit-stop we made time for a little goofing around

peanut is under wraps. we had to borrow an extra sun hat from irlynd because marianne insisted on keeping her head poking out. i guess the breeze felt nice.


Nana said...

These pictures make my day! Keep them coming. Hopefully we will have the ichat up and running soon!
Love you all so much, Nana/MOM
P.S. Yeah, see you soon!

Anonymous said...

my favorite picture is the last one, of you and Marianne! You are a beautiful mother!!!! I love you!

Aunt Julie

Aunt Kimberly said...

I love the picture where she's giggling in your lap. I think it's my favorite of her so far.