27 March 2012

hanging out

put henry in the jumper for the first time last night. it's his new favorite place to hang out while i make dinner. marianne was pumped...i kept catching her swinging, spinning, and bouncing him just a little too fast and rough. tonight i gave him a teether rattle to play with and he was working hard at getting ahold of it and into his mouth. he's been grabbing at things for several weeks now but he's really starting to get that hand-eye coordination thing down.

he is also starting to splash and move a lot more in his bath. evenings are generally pretty rough because he's worn out and it's always bad timing to try to put him down for a short nap because his sleepy window usually falls right in the middle of dinner prep. but as soon as he goes into his wash pod...he is a happy boy.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Henry is really getting big. He is a handsome guy.