30 May 2012

rolling. sitting. eating.

henry seems like he's developing at warp speed. ever since we stopped swaddling him a couple of weeks ago, he's been eagerly moving and shaking. 

in late april he started rolling from back to tummy and now he can roll tummy to back as well. he can really only go one direction so he gets himself pinned quite a bit. he did roll the other direction a day or two ago but hasn't remembered how to do it again.

just a few weeks ago, i posted a video of him playing the fridge farm while in his bumbo. now he can sit up all by himself. he's not super sturdy yet so i have to stay close in case he tips backwards.

yesterday we played outside ALL day. it was beautiful weather and we had such a fun day in the grass.

henry had his first "solid" food yesterday morning: rice cereal. i'm not sure how much actually ended up in his tummy but he's getting the hang of the spoon and the whole process. he's all about it! he's even started drinking a little water from a sippy cup.

1 comment:

Aunt Kimberly said...

He looks so proud of himself that he can roll over. How sweet. Thanks for the videos!