21 July 2009


marianne loves her bedtime - unless we don't get it started early enough! we usually start bedtime at 7:30pm, depending on when she gets sleepy.

1st: bathtime. she has a ball in her wash pod and loves, loves, loves her bath duckies...especially when momma or daddy "quack" them at her. she's not a fan of getting water poured over her head, she stands up against the back of the pod because it startles her so much.

2nd: towel-dried. daddy dries her off with her chicken towel (not shown here). she's rubbing her eyes...the warm bath always makes her super sleepy.

3rd: massage. momma lotions her up and gives her a nice rub-down from toes to head (in that order). marianne's favorite part is having her footsies rubbed.

4th: story time. daddy reads to her and marianne follows along, so long as her eyes stay open.

5th: bedtime snack. usually she nurses but occasionally daddy gets to give her a bottle. or, since she's already taught herself to hold it, she gives herself a bottle.

last: lullaby + swaddle. finally, momma sings twinkle twinkle little star and then either momma or daddy swaddles her up, gives her a rock and puts her down for bed.

she's sleeping at least a 7-hour stretch...and a couple of weeks ago she started sleeping 8 or 9 hours at a time, on occasion. momma can't wait for this to become permanent...maybe! even though i have to get up around 3 or 4 am when she doesn't sleep that long, i still like having the extra nursing session. i feel like i miss out on so much since she takes 3-4 bottles at daycare.


Nana said...

Thank you, these are the best moments of my day! Love you, Nana

Aunt Kimberly said...

I love that stinkin' video. It's so cute! Glad she likes her bath.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how fast she's growing. I love the video! We love you. Aunt Julie, Uncle Eric, Cousins Cadence and Jack.