14 July 2009

party animals

we were quite the party animals this past weekend. our neighbors throw some seriously fun yard parties...which we usually miss out on because inevitably we are always traveling when they have them. luckily, we were in town for their black + white affair on saturday. it was a great party - they were honoring their son's marriage and new baby girl, who was due the same day as marianne and born one day later! they really go all out...everyone was in black + white (even marianne), they catered and even had a "frank sinatra" entertainer. my first night to imbibe for over a year...and it ONLY took three bevvies to do the job. wow have i lost some serious endurance.

"frank" is back by the corner of the garage, in the hat

marianne didn't last more than half an hour...she slept all cuddled up in her stroller for the rest of the evening until we strolled home (across the alley)

every sunday in the summer, there are jazz concerts in city park. we joined our friends - robin, gavin + desmond - and a couple of their friends for a picnic in the park. there were tons of people there. it was a beautiful evening - warm sun, cool air, plenty of shade - and the jazz was a perfect backdrop for our picnic and conversation.

there's marianne's boyfriend, des, with his mommy + daddy!

marianne got a shoulder-ride on our walk back to the car...she's big stuff.

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