07 July 2009

onto my tummy

here is the amazing footage of marianne rolling from back to tummy. never mind my obnoxious rattling of the linking rings...it was merely to keep her focused on the task at hand. otherwise, as soon as she spots the camera she freezes. she's also started grabbing her feet, which she kind of does in this video for a split-second.

she still rolls tummy to back but not as often. almost every time we go into the nursery when she wakes up in the morning or after a nap, she is on her tummy. she's usually fussing because, for some reason, she's either too exhausted to roll back over or she just forgets that she's able to turn herself back over.


Nat said...

love the video :)
she's growing SO fast! she'll probably be walking next time i see her :(

Nana said...

She looks so much older now! Wait until she puts her toes into her mouth! Love you, thanks for the precious moment! Love you all, Nana

Aunt Kimberly said...

What big stuff! She's got some skillz. I like all the new pictures.