09 April 2012

where's the easter bunny?

it was a busy and fun easter weekend. saturday morning we went to a community egg hunt. it's pretty close to chaos. a lawn, half the size of a football field, dotted with hundreds of eggs and probably a couple hundred kids hovering at the starting line. it took less than 2 minutes and the field was cleared of every, single egg. but marianne had fun and whet her excitement for sunday...especially because the easter bunny was there and we got a glimpse of him. the rest of the day, she kept asking "where's the easter bunny?" i would explain that he was at home in his hutch resting for his big morning hiding eggs and bringing treats to all the girls and boys. she was convinced that he was going to stay at our house and be here when she woke up on sunday. the next morning when she found the trail of candy leading outside she followed it to the door and asked "where's the easter bunny? is he outside waiting for us?"

the candy trail...

she wanted to go hunt in there pjs so we threw on a jacket and boots and hit the trail. 

bed head. 

that sneaky rabbit.

 can't wait to see what's in there.

henry's thinking "next year, i'm all about it!"

then back inside to see what that bunny left in their easter baskets! bubbles...

books, books, books, blue bunny, and

oooh, i think i see two chocolate carrots! jackpot!

buzz light year...
(i couldn't catch it on video but marianne kept saying "thaaaaannnk you, easter bunny")

 a solid chocolate rabbit!!!

after breakfast, we went across the street to egg hunt with our friends, the andersons! 



jerry was going to work the rest of the day (ahhhh, tax season) so i went for a quick run before he left. i went ALL BY MYSELF and it was glorious! i cannot remember the last time i ran without a stroller or a dog! it felt so indulgent. thank you easter bunny!

and the best easter gift of all, jerry didn't go to work. bittersweet for him, though, i think he was feeling the tug all day and didn't relax and enjoy himself as much as i wish he would have.

a beautiful day nonetheless...capped off with grilled steak and fried potatoes!!!! yum.


CAW said...

holy cow where have i been i had no idea you had another baby?
i think these bambinos need a week at Edisto beach :)

Nana said...

The Easter egg hunt brings back memeories of other little girls scrambling across the yard to get to the eggs!